The King of Pork

This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; 
when he first appears he is a protector. (Plato)

“I just shake my head when I get called pork barrel king even if I have removed the discretion to commit graft; I have tightened spending, stopped budget reenactment and insertion, misuse of lump sum funds, and even the over-importation of rice. You be the judge of what runs in the minds of those saying this, -Philippine President Simeon Benigno Aquino lll.. “Despite of what he did, he was branded as “The king of Pork”

In his recent public appearance, just before the 2nd One Million Peoples March in Makati City, (10-4-2013 Friday) President Aquino flaunts his recent social media status to the Filipino people. The local media is not even aware of this new-found moniker of the President until the President himself publicized it. And it seems that it came out to be a very handy tool tag against the Chief Executive, who is under-fire and facing so much criticism not only from his political enemies, but also from the people, who are so weary of this insanic un-imaginable widespread form of corruption. “The fish is caught by the mouth according to a local proverb; it appears that the biggest fish in the Philippine Sea jokingly, sarcastically, and foolishly show off his other persona.

“What Providence seeks to destroy no one can protect.” Without a doubt, the All-knowing Supreme Being has various ways of destroying anything, and self-distract is one of them. The Pork-Barrel Scam is enormous and widespread, its wickedness had reached the sky, it was exposed to the light for cleansing. And one thing about the light, the more a person struggles against it, the more he will be revealed. In this dire condition, the more a person talks, the more he commits mistake. Most probably, the satiric nickname was fed to him by his speech writers who might have thought that the phrase was nothing but a sort of a comic twist in his seemingly begging for sympathy speech. It was part of the drama delivered as a joke; unaware that for a joke to be funny, it has to be truthful.

Was President Noynoy Aquino indeed a King of Pork? Is he the strongest, powerful, most influential Pork protector? Is he the recipient of Pork’s biggest slice? Is he the over-all Pork controller and allocator? what is wrong with being the King of Pork?

Being President, Noynoy Aquino is a ruler and can be considered a king. His reluctance and refusal to truly scrap the stinky barrel of meat, and his effort to justify its obscene existence are proofs that he is a pork protector. No doubt, He is Pork’s biggest and most powerful recipient. And undeniably, the Chief Executive is the ultimate controller and allocator of Pork.

Like the Pandora’s Box, everything that is evil is associated with Pork-Barrel revelation; The King of Pork, therefore, if it does exist, is a wicked king. P-Noy may not be a wicked President but definitely a wicked king if he is the King of Pork. Fortunately for him, he is a President and not a king. As of now, what I have is only a hint, and I am giving him the benefit of the doubt. I still choose not to be certain of what he really is. I’m still hoping, I still want him to succeed in leading the country by way of straight path to a promise land; and I am criticizing him for the same reason. Dream is without limit; a friend told me that without it a man is as good as dead. Sometimes, a dream or hope is all we have in this seemingly hopeless land, in this dream planet. Dream generates change and change is the only thing that is constant in this ever-changing world. To dream is not a sin, to live in a dream is.

Benign, (kind, benevolent, caring, kind, gentle, compassionate) is the English word counterpart of the word Benigno, which is one of President’s names. Its antonyms are evil, hateful, nasty, cruel, spiteful, mean. Evils are liars. Liars and thieves are said to be brothers. These material world is filled with dualities: hot and cold, rain and shine, soft and hard, good and bad, etc.. With love and hope, I voted Simeon Benigno Aquino lll for President; am I dreaming, for ironically with disgust, now I am calling him a King?!

The sovereign is called a tyrant who knows no laws but his caprice. (Voltaire)

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